OKNA Overlook Neighborhood Email 3/29/13

Thank you to everyone who contacted us about volunteering for the OKNA email duties. I'm having some technical troubles getting back with everyone, but I will, as soon as possible. Thank you for your messages!

Please remember that we post news items and other interesting things for you to check out on our Facebook page; please stop by and add us to your news feed or just catch up on the page: www.facebook.com/OKNAinPDX

1) Easter Bunny @ Overlook House (tomorrow 3/30)
2) City Council Takes on Parking Minimums (4/4)
3) Protect Neighborhood Funding in City Budget (4/5)
4) Friends of Overlook Bluff Planting Event (4/6)
5) Pedestrian Advisory Committee Seeks New Members (4/16)
6) Overlook Earth Day Clean Up (4/20)
7) Earth Day Clean Up on Swan Island (4/20)


1) Easter Bunny @ Overlook House (tomorrow 3/30)

Quick! The Easter Bunny is coming to Overlook House tomorrow, Saturday, March 30!
Be there with your Easter basket by 10:30 a.m. sharp for an Eggstravaganza of over 1000 treat-filled eggs spread on the lawns at Overlook House. It looks like it will be a beautiful day to discover a Golden Egg and win a special prize! This popular annual event is sponsored by the Friends of Overlook House for little kids (about five and under.) We'll see you there!


2) City Council Takes on Parking Minimums (4/4)

From Richmond Neighbors for Responsible Growth:

As many of you know, April 4th is an important milestone in our effort to bring change to the way development takes place on the Eastside. On that date, City Council will vote on whether or not to adopt new parking requirements and whether or not to make them effective immediately. This is a rare opportunity to IMMEDIATELY affect the large scale development taking place in our neighborhoods.

Before April 4th, there are a few important things that you can do:

Click on the following link http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/urge-city-council-to-act-now-pass-proposed/ to sign the online petition urging City Council to vote in favor of the proposed parking amendments and to make them effective immediately. This petition will impact parking regulation throughout Portland, so please share it with friends who live beyond the boundaries of the Richmond neighborhood. Our goal is to reach 1,000 signatures before City Council meets.

Continue to write and call City Council. Urge them to pass these zoning code amendments and make them effective immediately. Emails and phone numbers are listed below.

Attend the City Council hearing on April 4th at 2:00 pm in City Council Chambers, located at 1221 SW 4th Avenue.


3) Protect Neighborhood Funding in City Budget (4/5)

ONI's City Council Budget Work session, please attend. This is the 2nd hearing for ONI (Office of Neighborhood Involvement) to respond to questions from the City's Budget Advisory Committee, which includes all Council members, NO PUBLIC TESTIMONY.

Friday, April 5
City Hall – Council Chambers
1221 SW 4th Ave.

Office of Neighborhood Involvement FY 13-14 budget What is at stake? – What is proposed to be cut? (entries edited for space, there are more cuts on the table)

*    Reduction or elimination of Neighborhood Small Grants program:

The program has funded 536 community building grants over seven years totaling $1,025,554 in resources going out to neighborhood associations and other community-based organizations.

*    Significant cuts to newspapers and social media communications:

Most of the coalitions would likely scale back or eliminate communication allocations to neighborhood associations; (yes, that includes your Overlook Views, which relies on this funding)

*    Reduction or elimination in neighborhood outreach staff support:

Several of the coalitions would scale back FTE dedicated to assisting neighborhood associations with community projects including neighborhood cleanups, summertime events, outreach and membership building, technical assistance on land use and transportation issues, community forums on hot-topic issues and leadership trainings.

*    Elimination of two Crime Prevention positions: ONI would lay off two crime prevention specialists. Overlook's CPC is the newest hire in the office.

*    Reduction in services for people with disabilities:

ONI's Disability Program would receive a $14,000 cut for brochures and mailings for the Additional Needs Registry, a program for those who may need specific disability-related assistance and/or accommodations in the event of a major disaster.

*    Elimination of free graffiti removal services:

$176,775 from the Graffiti Abatement Program that paid for free removal of graffiti.  These funds support your volunteer Overlook Livability Team efforts as well.

Why investing in civic engagement shoul

d be a core City service:

*    ONI's civic engagement programs are succeeding at getting more people involved improving the livability of their neighborhoods and communities.

*    Now more than ever investing in people infrastructure is just as critical as brick and mortar projects – if not more so.

*    ONI's mission, goals, programs and services are critical to support the City's goal of achieving equity in delivery of services.

*    Community engagement is increasingly seen as a critical core function of good City governance.


4) Friends of Overlook Bluff Planting Event (4/6)


Saturday, April 6 –9:00 a.m. -1:00 p.m.

Celebrate spring in the beautiful Overlook neighborhood on April 6 by helping restore native oak habitat, which once extended from California to British Columbia.  Friends of Overlook Bluff‘s spring planting event is sponsored by SOLVE and supervised by Portland’s Environmental Services Revegetation Specialist.  We will plant native species along the eastern slope of the Willamette River — above the train yards — in the 3900 block of N. Overlook Terrace. This project follows up on last fall’s invasive species removal. Species to be planted include red flowering currant, mock orange, tall Oregon grape, madrone, and oak.  A picnic in the meadow, with panoramic views of the bridge and city, will follow. Location is readily accessible via Max.  For more information or to register, go to http://solv.org/get-involved/events/overlook-bluff-spring-planting.  Registration is encouraged, but not required – we just want you to participate.

Friends of Overlook Bluff is committed to preserving Oregon White Oak habitat, restoring native wildlife on the east bluff of the Willamette River, and connecting Overlook to St. Johns with urban wilderness trails.  Learn more about the Friends of Overlook Bluff at  http://overlookbluff.org/.


5) Pedestrian Advisory Committee Seeks New Members (4/16)

The Portland Bureau of Transportation is seeking applicants for the Pedestrian Advisory Committee (PAC). The PAC advises the City on matters concerning walking as a means of transportation, recreation, wellness and environmental enhancement and meets the third Tuesday of every month.Applications are due by 5pm Thursday, April 18 and accepted by mail, email, fax or in person. For more information, contact April Bertelsen atapril.bertelsen@portlandoregon.gov or 503-823-7609.


6) Overlook Earth Day Clean Up (4/20)

OKNA and Sustainable Overlook would like to invite you to Tomatoes for Trash: Overlook’s 2013 Earth Day Clean Up

When:  Saturday April 20 from 10:00AM-2:00PM
(come when and for as long as you like)

Where:  Overlook’s Pittman HydroPark, north of the Concord-Going Pedestrian Overpass

Every participant that shows up and contributes by collecting a bag of refuse found littered around the neighborhood will receive a free tomato start grown by one of our own green-thumbed neighbors.  In an effort to be as responsible as possible with the collected materials, we will be providing onsite recycling sorting and education with the goal of diverting all recyclable items to Far West Fibers, a nearby recycling depot that recycles everything from styrofoam to electronics to athletic shoes!

Mark your calendars and remember to bring along some gloves.  Bags will be provided.  If you also have any items that you would like to recycle that aren't accepted curbside, bring those along as well!  Come join the fun and meet others who are passionate about recycling, gardening, and a healthy neighborhood.

This event is being made possible by Metro of Oregon, North Portland Neighborhood Services and Far West Fibers (http://www.farwestfibers.com/materials).  If you have questions please e-mail Sustainable@OverlookNeighborhood.org


7) Earth Day Clean Up on Swan Island (4/20)

Solve will be doing a beach clean up on Swan Island's McCarthy Park, Earth day, April 20th, 2013

In addition to the beach clean up we'll be installing fishing line recycling units, sorting the trash into recycling. The sorting will be in the parking lot and be fairly handi-accessible. Location is near busline, more information on the volunteer page below.

You can register to volunteer now:

Or you can contact Christina at thompson.portland@gmail.com for more information.

