Overlook Neighborhood update (Dec. 1)

1) Support Overlook on Giving Tuesday

2) Santa comes to Overlook House next week

3) Tour potential “Center of Hope” at Wapato

4) OKNA board meeting

1) Support Overlook on Giving Tuesday

The Overlook Neighborhood Association hopes all of our neighbors had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday. Now that Black Friday is behind us, Giving Tuesday arrives this week. Giving Tuesday is part of a global generosity movement to encourage people to support organizations that do good work in their communities – organizations like OKNA.

OKNA is a nonprofit – registered 501(c)3 – and relies on the generous support of neighbors to continue doing good work for Overlook. We ensure that residents know what’s happening in the neighborhood, including what buildings are going up and what new city policies will affect the character of the community. We distribute this weekly digital update and a quarterly newsletter to all neighbors. We also support events throughout the year, including the always popular movie in the park and holiday party.

Our tremendous team of volunteers does a great job. But newsletters, websites and events have a cost. As you think about your Giving Tuesday and end-of-year charitable options, we hope you will consider supporting your neighborhood association with at tax-deductible donation. Continue reading “Overlook Neighborhood update (Dec. 1)”