Overlook Neighborhood Update (May 2)

1) OKNA Board to meet Tuesday

2) PBOT to install barricades on Concord Greenway

3) Free grocery delivery for seniors and others at high risk

4) Design Portland’s next bike lane art

5) Share your COVID-19 story

6) North Portland Sunday Parkway event canceled

1) OKNA Board to meet Tuesday

The Overlook Neighborhood Association Board will hold its monthly meeting on Tuesday (May 5) at 6:30 p.m. via Zoom. The board will discuss a proposed resolution to support homeless camping in Madrona Park and along N Going Street, whether to print a spring edition of the Overlook Views newsletter and more. Residents may join the meeting to observe but only may participate if recognized by the chair.

View the full agenda for information about the resolution and details about how to attend. Residents may also send comments to info@overlookneighborhood.org. Continue reading “Overlook Neighborhood Update (May 2)”