1) Neighborhood mural plans
2) Annual ice cream social (Sunday, Aug. 2)
3) Overlook’s role in the St. Johns Bridge standoff
4) Spirit of Portland Awards accepting nominations
5) Overlook Neighborhood Association Board meeting (Tuesday, Aug. 4)
1) Neighborhood mural plans
Overlook Neighborhood Association is partnering with Viva La Free, a non-profit based in North Portland, to create a community mural. We are currently looking for interested youth or young aspiring artists (teens to young-adults). This group would be supervised by Layna Lewis of VLF, as they help to create timelines, budget, social media and strategic planning for the mural project.
“The VLF model seeks to elevate and educate our young community members,” the group explains.
Other interested community members may submit ideas and volunteer during production to assist with painting, event organization, etc.
Please email Laynalewis@yahoo.com for more information.
2) Annual ice cream social (Sunday, Aug. 2)
Looking for a way to beat the heat? Come out on Sunday evening (6 to 8) for the neighborhood ice cream social at historic Overlook House. Meet some new neighborhood friends and cool off with a delicious with ice cream provided by Lovely’s Fifty-Fifty complete with all the trimmings. The event is $2 for adults and $1 for children.
Annual ice cream social
Sunday, Aug. 2, 6 – 8 p.m.
Overlook House (3839 N Melrose Dr.)
3) Overlook and in the St. Johns Bridge standoff

The nation’s eyes turned to Portland this week as protesters hung from the St. Johns Bridge to block passage of a Shell Oil icebreaker headed for the arctic. Overlook Neighborhood played its own small part in the story. The ship in question was in town to receive repairs at Swan Island.
Even OKNA residents sometimes forget that Swan Island is part our neighborhood, and that’s a shame. The island has been an important element of our neighborhood’s history and continues to be part of what makes Overlook special.
4) Spirit of Portland Awards accepting nominations
The City Council presents Spirit of Portland Awards each year to individuals and groups who make outstanding contributions to our community. Please nominate an individual, business, organization, neighborhood or business association that has created a project, service or event that has helped Portland shine! Nominations will be accepted in an individual’s native language.
If you know a person or organization who deserves special recognition for making Portland a great place, you can find nomination forms online. The deadline for nominations is Friday, Sept. 11.
Award categories are:
Outstanding Leadership Awards
- Outstanding Community Leader (2 awards)
- Outstanding Young Leader (1 award)
- Individual Making a Difference (1 award)
- Innovative City Leader Award (1 award)
Outstanding Organization Awards
- Business Community Partner of the Year (1 award)
- Community Group/Organization of the Year (1 award)
- Neighborhood Association of the Year (1 award)
- Organization Making a Difference (1 award)
Awards for Outstanding Leadership or Organization
- Sandy Diedrich Environmental Stewardship (1 award)
- Equity in Practice (1 award)
5) Overlook Neighborhood Association Board meeting (Tuesday, Aug. 4)
OKNA Board meeting
Tuesday, Aug. 4, 6:30 – 8:30 p.m.
Overlook House (3839 N Melrose Dr.)