Overlook Neighborhood update (April 3, 2015)

1) Help Patton Square City Park grow
2) Overlook egg hunt (April 4)
3) Annual neighborhood cleanup (April 25)
4) North Portland Tool Library community forum (April 11)
5) Overlook Neighborhood Association Board meeting (April 7)
6) ‘Treebates’ available for planting yard trees (April 30 deadline)


1) Help Patton Square City Park grow

Portland Parks & Recreation asks for the community’s help at Patton Square City Park. Having aerated the turf three weeks ago, they would like everyone to stay off the grass for at least a month to allow establishment.

This week, staff also tilled and replanted the shrub beds in the center of the park and would appreciate help in keeping people and dogs away from those plantings. Staff asks that people not dispose of their cigarettes in the plantings or anywhere in the park.

If you have any questions, please contact Alex Salazar, maintenance supervisor, at Alex.Salazar@portlandoregon.gov.  Thank you for being good stewards of our parks and other public areas.


2) Overlook egg hunt (April 4)

The annual Overlook Easter egg hunt takes place on Saturday at 10:30 a.m. sharp. The weather is looking iffy, so bring your raincoats, hats and ponchos. The hunt happens rain or shine.

The hunt is sponsored by Friends of Overlook House and is intended for young Overlook children. It’s free, but donations will be gratefully accepted.

Overlook Easter egg hunt
Saturday, April 4, 10:30 a.m.
Overlook House (3839 N Melrose Dr.)


3) Annual neighborhood cleanup (April 25)

Celebrate Earth Day close to home. Join your Overlook neighbors for the annual spring cleaning tradition. We will meet at the N Concord Avenue pedestrian bridge just north of N Going Street by the Pittman Addition HydroPark at 10 a.m. on Saturday, April 25. Bring work/garden gloves and dress in your grubbies. Depending on the size of the group, we’ll fan out along Going Street, Greeley Avenue and elsewhere in that general vicinity to pick up debris and remove graffiti.

All participants will receive a beautiful organic tomato start and the opportunity to use the cleanup’s dropbox to dispose of their own unwanted items that can’t be recycled, such as tires (no home garbage, yard debris or hazardous waste). And we’ll provide refreshments.

Please RSVP at greenacres@overlookneighborhood.org. This event is sponsored by the Overlook Neighborhood Association, the Swan Island Business Association, Metro and the Bureau of Planning and Sustainability.

Annual neighborhood cleanup
Saturday, April 25, 10 a.m.
Pittman Addition HydroPark (N Concord Avenue)


4) North Portland Tool Library community forum (April 11)

The North Portland Tool Library Board of Directors invites you to a community forum on Saturday, April 11.

NPTL has received two very capacity-building grants—a $49,390 North Portland Enhancement Grant from Metro and a $32,000 Community Livability Grant from the Portland Development Commission. The grants will be used in part for upgrades to the existing tool library, but mostly for construction of an above-ground tool library annex building that will house seasonal tools and function as a workspace for volunteers. It will be situated in the northwest corner of the backyard of the Historic Kenton Firehouse.

The ultimate goal is to create a structure that serves as a showcase for environmentally-conscientious design — with plans to include reclaimed materials in the structure and closely integrate it with the existing native landscape while providing a photo-backdrop worthy façade to complement the community gatherings and special events held year-round in the garden area. It will break ground this spring.

NPTL seeks public input and involvement. As members of the community and patrons of the tool library, you are part of what we do. We value your ideas, and we’d like to share this project with you. Please join us for an open forum to weigh in on possible designs from local contractors, or just take a look at what we’re doing and get involved as a volunteer on the project.

North Portland Tool Library community forum
Saturday, April 11, 10 a.m. – noon
Historic Kenton Firehouse (2209 N Schofield Street)


5) Overlook Neighborhood Association Board meeting (April 7)

OKNA logoOverlook Neighborhood Association regular board meeting
Tuesday, April 7, 6:30 p.m.
Overlook House (3839 N Melrose Dr.)


6) ‘Treebates’ available for planting yard trees (April 30 deadline)

Portland City Commissioner Nick Fish reminds city residents that they can save money planting a tree. The Bureau of Environmental Services has a seasonal program called Treebate that rewards Portland residents for planting trees.

Trees help contribute to clean rivers and healthy watersheds by keeping rainwater out of our sewer system. A large tree can absorb nearly 600 gallons of stormwater a year! If you plant an eligible tree, BES will credit your city utility bill. Your Treebate credit will depend on your tree’s size and future potential to help manage stormwater.

Treebate is easy: purchase an eligible tree (or trees), plant it in your residential yard, then submit an application along with your receipt. Applications are due by April 30.
