Burglary Alert for Overlook Residents

p>Neighbors, this seemed urgent enough to warrant an extra message this week. Mark will not be at tonight's meeting, but his contact information is at the bottom of this message if you need to reach him.

Please be alert, and careful.

OKNA meeting 7:00 pm tonight, Kaiser Town Hall Building 3704 N Interstate Ave (at Overlook Blvd)

This message is from Mark Wells, Crime Prevention Coordinator

Overlook has had 4 residential burglaries in the past week north and south of the Going St. area in the N. Concord area ( I do not have exact locations). Forced entry is being made through side or rear windows and all have taken place during the daytime hours. A window is being simply smashed and then the burglar(s) is going through each room and throwing items all over the place in what appears to be a search for valuable items. Dresser drawers are just being thrown down to quickly look for valuables. Of particular note, the suspect(s) are eating food in the kitchens and exiting through the front door. Officers are reporting the victim's houses are sustaining an unusual amount of damage almost as if the damage was done on purpose.

Community Action

– Please take note of anyone suspicious around your home or neighborhood. If you see anyone acting suspicious or “casing” a house, please call the non-emergency number at 503-823-3333. It can not be stressed enough how important it is for the community to call the police if anything suspicious is observed. If in doubt, error on the side of caution and notify the police.

– Lock all side gates if possible and ensure all windows remain locked. Cut back any shrubbery around windows or doors to prevent any areas of concealment.

– Talk to your immediate neighbors and ensure they know your normal schedule and keep an eye on your home if they are home during daytime hours when you are normally at work. Listen and pay attention to barking dogs inside homes, especially if they don't usually bark inside.

More information will be sent out as it becomes available.

Thank you-

Mark Wells
Crime Prevention Coordinator
Office of Neighborhood Involvement
City of Portland
Overlook, Arbor Lodge, Kenton, Piedmont, Bridgeton, Hayden Island, Sumner, Sunderland, Cully

Web: www.portlandonline.com/oni/cp
Facebook: www.facebook.com/portlandcrimeprevention
Flickr: www.flickr.com/photos/58578724@N06/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/pdxpreventcrime
YouTube: www.youtube.com/user/pdxpreventcrime
