Overlook Neighborhood Update (Oct. 18)

1) Untapped to close

2) OKNA Board selected 2020-21 leaders

3) Land use chair needed

4) Upcoming meetings canceled

5) Ladybug Nature Walks

1) Untapped to close

Neighborhood tap room Untapped announced it will close at the end of October. Untapped has been filling growlers and serving beer and cider in the Prescott Building at N Interstate Avenue and N Skidmore Street for six years.

“We feel incredibly fortunate to have had such a wonderfully supportive community of friends share our space, honestly it feels more like you’ve all become family,” they wrote on their Instagram page. “So, from the bottom of our hearts, we’d like to thank you for all the great memories. If you’d like to make a few more with us, stop by sometime over the next few weeks for a patio pint, or some to-go goodies, we’d love to see you! We raise our glass in thanks for making these past six years invaluable and unforgettable.” Continue reading “Overlook Neighborhood Update (Oct. 18)”