Overlook Neighborhood Update (Jan. 3, 2021)

1. Help Prevent Salmonella Outbreak For Native Birds

2. Portland Ezones Corrections Project

3. OKNA Board Meeting Jan. 5th

1. Help Prevent Salmonella Outbreak For Native Birds
The Audubon Society has seen an increase in salmonella cases in flocking birds around the Portland area. In response to this they have released guidelines for those who have bird feeders around their homes. First, take the bird feeders down for two weeks to encourage birds to keep more distance from each other. Second, if you do use feeders remember that they need to be washed with soap and water and cleaned thoroughly with a bleach solution weekly. And third, avoid platform feeders where birds stand and eat. For more information on this issue and what you can do to help our feathered friends click here.

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