Are You A Policy Expert?

Recruitments for Policy Expert Groups are underway through April 16, 2012. Community members with interest and expertise in the policy topics below are encouraged to apply.

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The Comprehensive Plan Update will be informed by and help to implement the Portland Plan, a strategic plan for a prosperous, healthy, educated, and equitable city. The updated Comprehensive Plan will help us prepare for and manage expected population and employment growth and provide direction for City decision-making on land use, transportation, sewer and water systems, natural resources, while ensuring that investments in major city systems are coordinated. Updating the Plan is a major undertaking and we would greatly appreciate your help and participation.

We are currently recruiting for seven of the eight Policy Expert Groups (PEGs):

1. Community Involvement (we are not recruiting for this PEG, as the Portland Public Involvement Advisory Committee will serve as this PEG)

2. Education and Youth Success

3. Economic Development

4. Residential Development & Compatibility

5. Neighborhood Centers

6. Infrastructure Equity

7. Networks

8. Watershed Health & Environment

The PEGs will consist of approximately 12 members and be comprised of a mix of City bureau and partner agency staff and community stakeholders. Each PEG will meet approximately once a month from May 2012 – May 2013 and meetings will be facilitated by a professional facilitator. Meetings will also be open to the public. Each group’s recommendations should represent a broad base of collective wisdom about what will best serve the Portland community. We anticipate the discussion to be lively, stimulating, and effective.

Again, the recruitment process closes on Monday, April 16, 2012. Information about Portland’s Comprehensive Plan Update and the Policy Expert Groups (PEGs) can be found at

If you have any questions, please contact me at 503-823-7965 or at Marty Stockton is coordinating the recruitment – she is also available at 503-823-2041 and

Thank you for your interest and consideration.