a jam session, Friends of Patton Square Park, trees, and bikes

Some notes from this week’s OKNA email digest

Details are, as always, below. In addition, some of your neighbors have seen a coyote in the Massachusetts/Shaver/Longview area and would like to offer the good reminders to not feed wildlife and keep a watchful eye on your outdoor animal.

1. Overlook House Jam Session (Sun., March 20)
2. Friends of Patton Square Park inaugural meeting (Wed., 3/23)
3. Overlook Park tree removal
4. Safe Routes to School Spring Kick Off (Sat., April 2)

1. Overlook House Jam Session (Sun., March 20)

The rumor-pixies tell us the Overlook neighborhood has a lot of closet-musicians.  So here's a great opportunity to meet your fellow musician-neighbors, and have some fun jamming and visiting.  Bring yourself and your instrument to the Overlook House, Sunday evening March 20th at 7:00.  All instruments (including voice), all abilities, and all genres are welcome.  We'll see what unfolds and what we might want to do in the future.

503.823.3188 www.historicoverlookhouse.org  www.facebook.com/historicoverlookhouse


2. Friends of Patton Square Park inaugural meeting (Wed., 3/23)

– Do you have ideas and energy to make Patton Square Park even better than it is right now?  If you do, then come and join our new “Friends of Patton Square Park.”  Our first meeting will be next Wednesday, March 23rd, from 6 to 7 pm, at IFCC.  We're community residents and businesses dedicated to protecting and enhancing Overlook's tiny but beautiful Patton Square Park!  If you have questions, contact Cynthia Sulaski at 503.249.7728 or csulaski@comcast.net.


3. Overlook Park tree removal

If you regularly frequent Overlook Park, you may have noticed that in the last few weeks several trees have been removed along the bluff

on the west side of the park. The city tree inspector assigned to our area reported that two trees were removed because of damage incurred during recent storm events and three others were taken down because of their instability (and potential safety hazard) due to advancing decline. At this point, there aren't plans to replace them. If you have additional questions, reply to this email or contact Dave Kahler (Portland Parks City Nature, Urban Forestry) at 503.823.4493.


4. Safe Routes to School Spring Kick Off (Sat., April 2) image003

Safe Routes to School is having their first annual Spring Kick-Off. This exciting free family event will take place April 2nd at Beach School and will pack a bunch of our most requested activities and workshops into one fun-filled day.

Activities for adults and kids include:

·           Learn to ride a bike
·           Learn to repair a flat tire
·           Bike fair activities and games
·           Community Bike Ride
·           Get ready for Walk + Bike to School Challenge Month
·           Learn about Walking School Buses
·           Maps and route planning

Get more info and RSVP here to ensure space for your family today: http://pdx.be/kickoff
