Overlook Annual Picnic August 17, 5:00-9:00pm at Pause Restaurant

Neighbors, it’s picnic time! That’s right, the popular August general meeting of the Overlook Neighborhood Association will be held on Tuesday, August 17 at Pause Restaurant, 5101 N Interstate.

Delicious, fun, and easier on everyone than carting pot-luck to the park, OKNA picnics at Pause have always been popular. Manager Mike and his crew have it down to a science now and will have the BBQ near their outdoor seating with something tasty for everyone.

All you need to bring is yourself, and any of your neighbors, and come ready to have a good meal, and a good time. For a fixed price, Pause will provide an outdoor grill menu available only to OKNA members. They will collect the $7 payment at the door and reward you with a bracelet for the eat-up and as a special incentive for your RSVP, a free beverage is on the house!

Please RSVP to hoddick @ teleport.com

by this Sunday the 15th to get your FREE beverage coupon!

Everyone pays at the door, and you may attend without an RSVP.

The Pause crew are generous hosts, and you should expect treats and surprises on par with previous picnic years. If this is your first, welcome! And, you’re in for a treat.

When: Tuesday, August 17, 5:00-9:00pm
Where: Pause Restaurant at 5101 N Interstate
What: Generous helpings of grilled deliciousness, salad & sweeties. Veggie option available.
Why: Because we love seeing you!
How Much: $7 at the door
Expect: At least 100 of your OKNA neighbors and a rollicking good time!


Overlook Annual Picnic August 17, 5:00-9:00pm Pause Restaurant at 5101 N Interstate