The Weekly OKNA Email 1/4/13

1) Movie Night: In Transition 2.0 (1/10)
2) City Council Hearing: No-Parking Apartment Buildings (1/10)
3) OKNA General Meeting
4) Newsletter Deadline Approaching (1/18)

Liquor License Applications (deadline 1/27)
6) NPNS Small Grants Program (deadline 1/31)

NB: There will be no Weekly OKNA Email next Friday; have a great week!


1) Movie Night: In Transition 2.0 (1/10)

Overlook’s Neighborhood Sustainability Team has changed its name to Sustainable Overlook and would like to remind you about a great film being shown at Overlook House this coming Thursday: In Transition 2.0!

What if the best responses to peak oil, climate change and the economic downturn don’t come from government, but from you and me and the people around us? And what if those responses felt more like a party than a protest?!  Join us in looking at how communities across the world are answering these questions, making their neighborhoods more resilient, and having a terrific time!

In addition to viewing and discussing the film, we will also be brainstorming for more activities that we can do in 2013 to help make our neighborhood as resilient and sustainable as it can be.  We really hope to see you there!

Thursday, January 10, 6:30pm
Overlook House, 3839 N. Melrose Ave.

Brought to you by the neighbors who sponsored this year’s Yard Sale/Free Share, Edible Garden Tour, and Intersection Painting!


2) City Council Hearing: No-Parking Apartment Buildings (1/10)

Portland City Council will hear a presentation regarding the recent task-force survey of no/low-parking apartment buildings. This presentation was previously scheduled and cancelled.

THURSDAY, 2:00 PM, JANUARY 10, 2013
TIME CERTAIN: 2:00 PM – Accept the minimum parking requirements for multifamily buildings memo referencing three pieces of research related to parking for multifamily buildings

If you want to speak, testimony requests must be made in advance:


3) OKNA General Meeting
Join us for our monthly general membership meeting, where topics range from public safety to the latest Overlook activities.

Tuesday, January 15th, 2013
7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
3704 N Interstate Avenue @ Overlook Boulevard

All Overlook neighbors are welcome to attend and encouraged to participate!


4) Newsletter Deadline Approaching (1/18)

It’s time to start preparing the Spring issue of Overlook Views, your neighborhood newsletter. Is there something particular you’d like to see in the paper? Now’s the time for you to jot down your idea and send Michelle and email to:

We love news about the interesting people of Overlook, as well as knowing what your group is up to, and other activities that neighbors can participate in. Overlook gets a lot of compliments for its newsletter because the content is all produced by you!

But, we’re a little short on materials and ideas and are hoping you’ll send in a great little item. Let us know about your story idea now, and the deadline is later in the month to actually turn it in. Thanks!


5) Liquor License Applications (deadline 1/27)

The following Liquor Licenses applications were received for consideration by the City of Portland this week. Please follow this link to see the applications in their entirety:

If you wish to comment please fill out the attached comment form and submit it to the City of Portland Liquor License Notification Program.

Attn: Theresa Marchetti
By mail to: 1221 SW 4th Ave Ste 110, Portland OR 97204
By fax to: 503-823-3050
By email to:

If you choose to comment, please review the instructions carefully as comments are limited to certain kinds of input.

Neighborhood Association: OVERLOOK

5426 N GAY AVE
Type of License: Change Owner- Full on Premises

Neighborhood Association: OVERLOOK

Type of License: Change Owner- Full on Premises
Comments Due: 1/27/2013


6) NPNS Small Grants Program (deadline 1/31)

Does your neighborhood project need funding?

The North Portland Neighborhood Services Small Grants Program (NPNSG) is a grant provided by the City of Portland, distributed by the Office of Neighborhood Involvement (ONI) and administered by NPNS. The goal of the program is to provide neighborhood and community organizations the opportunity to build community, attract new and diverse members, and sustain those already involved. The creation of this grant program allows a wide variety of community projects to be funded and implemented each year.

NPNS will be distributing approximately $20,000 total for community projects to be completed by December 2013. Grant application and selection will be administered by NPNSG committee members, made up of seven North Portland residents, in early 2013.

NPNS application form and instructions are available at:

Or printed copies are available from North Portland Neighborhood Services, 2209 N. Schofield St. 503.823.0215.

Application Due Date: No later than 2:00 p.m., Thursday, January 31, 2013.

For more information contact: Tom Griffin-Valade, 503-823-4524,