Overlook Neighborhood Update (Jan. 17, 2021)

  1. Join the virtual EMSWCD Native Plant Swap (Facebook Group)
  2. OKNA General Meeting This Tuesday

1. Join the virtual EMSWCD Native Plant Swap (Facebook Group)

If you are interested in learning more about native plants the East Multnomah Soil and Water Conservation District Native Plant Swap Facebook group is a great resource. On the page you will find others who are willing to offer their experience, and even swap plants with you. There are a number of Webinars on their calendar throughout Spring, so be sure to check them out on the EMSWCD Website. Classes focus on such topics as Rain Gardens 101, Beneficial Insects, Native Plants, and more.

2. OKNA General Meeting This Tuesday

This Tuesday, January 19th, we will be holding our next OKNA General Meeting. Please see the Agenda items here, and remember to read through the Guidelines for Attending OKNA General Meetings available on the full Agenda Doc here.