Overlook Neighborhood Update (Jan. 10, 2021)

1. Apply for Multnomah County’s Charter Review Committee

2. OKNA Renews Support of Air Toxins Letter to Union Pacific Railroad

1. Apply for Multnomah County’s Charter Review Committee

Do you care about the health and safety of our local communities? Do you want to play an important role in ensuring that local government is serving current community needs? Do you enjoy collaborating with others to identify common goals and advance equity? If so, apply to join the County’s Charter Review Committee.

Every six years, a Charter Review Committee meets to study the Multnomah County Charter and, if the committee chooses, submit to the people of Multnomah County amendments to the charter.

The charter is the local version of a constitution, essentially creating the structure of Multnomah County government. The charter addresses issues including the powers of county government, the responsibilities of the County Chair and commissioners, and the elections of county leaders.

Applications are due Monday, March 1st by 11:59pm.

Learn more & apply for the Charter Review Committee

Questions? Contact the Office of Community Involvement at community.involvement@multco.us or 503.988.3450.

2. OKNA Renews Support of Air Toxins Letter to Union Pacific Railroad

Overlook Neighborhood Association board members moved to renew a letter calling for Union Pacific Railroad, owners of the Albina Rail Yard located near 1134 N Knott St., Portland, OR 97227, to address growing concerns about air quality in the Overlook and surrounding neighborhoods.The rail yard emitted 14,778 pounds of VOCs in a year, many of which could be avoided with the help of the thermal oxidizer system we are calling for them to install. Read the full letter here to learn more details.