COP: Tell us what you really think…..about community involvement in planning and development in Portland

Have you ever participated in a land use planning and/or development review process in Portland? Did you find the experience positive or frustrating? Do you have ideas about how the City of Portland could involve the community more effectively in

land use and planning in Portland?

You have an opportunity to share your experiences and ideas and help shape new goals and policies for community involvement in Portland’s Comprehensive Plan. The Comprehensive Plan is Portland’s formal land use plan and guides future growth and development in our city.

Please tell us what you think by filling out a questionnaire.

The questionnaire should take about 10 to 15 minutes to complete.


Please forward this message to any community members you think care about ensuring a strong community voice in planning and development in Portland.

Options available for filling out the questionnaire:

  • Fill out a hard copy and send it in via Fax, U.S. mail, email, or deliver in person to either:

Office of Neighborhood Involvement
Portland City Hall
Attn: Paul Leistner
1221 SW 4th Avenue, Rm 110
Portland, OR 97204
Tel: 503-823-5284
Fax: 503-823-3050

Bureau of Planning and Sustainability
1900 Building
Attn: Marty Stockton
1900 SW 4th Avenue, Suite 7100
Portland, OR 97201
Tel: 503-823-2041
Fax: 503-823-7800
(Contact Paul or Marty if you’d like them to send you a hard copy of the questionnaire.)


What’s this about?

The City of Portland is updating its Comprehensive Plan, first adopted in 1980. The Comprehensive Plan is Portland’s formal land use plan and guides future growth and development in our city. The Bureau of Planning and Sustainability has created a number of “policy expert groups” (PEGs) to review and update existing Comprehensive Plan policies and develop new policies where needed.

A committee of community members and city staff is developing new language for the Community Involvement Goal in the City of Portland “Comprehensive Plan.” The Comprehensive Plan is a legally-binding document that guides planning and development in Portland. This effort is part of the current broader process to update the Comp Plan.

The committee—the Community Involvement Policy Expert Group (CI PEG)—is interested in hearing about your experiences specifically with community involvement in land use planning and development processes in Portland.

Why is this is worth your time?

Many community input processes result in guidelines or documents that are only advisory to City leaders and staff. The Comprehensive Plan is a legally binding document. Its goals and objectives must be

followed by city government. Your input can help shape the formal policies that guide how city government involves the community in land use planning and development processes and decisions.

What will happen to your input?

The CI PEG will use your input to develop:

  • proposed language for new community involvement goals and policies for Portland’s Comprehensive Plan;
  • a report that documents the Ci PEG’s process, the community’s input, and the full range of issues and ideas raised;
  • recommendations for additional changes and improvements for consideration by the City of Portland Public Involvement Advisory Council (PIAC).

When do we need your response?

We’d like to hear from you by: Friday, November 30, 2012. The CI PEG committee members will review the survey responses as they come in. The sooner we hear from you, the sooner we will be able to start working with your input.


For more information, to get a hard copy version of the questionnaire, or to share any other ideas or suggestions, contact:

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