The Weekly OKNA Email 8/10/12

Hi Overlook! A neighbor stopped me today and asked about the OKNA annual picnic; as newcomers to the neighborhood they weren’t sure what it’s all about. Yes, it used to be a picnic, but then we got civilized and now we meet at one of Overlook’s gr

eat restaurants and enjoy a fixed-price meal with our socializing. This is a very well attended event, usually a couple hundred neighbors, so don’t be shy, come over and have supper with your friends-to-be. Or, invite someone from your block to come with you; it’s always more fun in numbers!

Your neighborhood newsletter, Overlook Views, is due back from the printer any minute now. Look for your volunteer’s delivery to be made to your doorstep over the next couple of weeks. If you would like a small delivery route for the next issue, please email us!
If you find you just can’t wait for the print edition, the pdf version is posted at

And of course, we still want you to be our Facebook friends!

As always, email us with your neighborhood news that needs to be shared.

1) Lucky Lab Picnic RSVP (now!)
2) Volunteering With OKNA
3) BridgePedal Weekend
4) Stop Sign Changes
5) Celebrity Sighting? (tonight, Friday 9pm)
6) No Coal Demonstration in St Johns (8/18)
7) Gun Turn In (8/18)
8) Seaport Celebration at the Port of Portland (8/18)
9) Sign up for Noise Alerts


1) Lucky Lab Picnic RSVP (now!)

Thanks for all the RSVP emails to ! Even though we’re not replying individually, they are counted. You too can get a free beverage by sending us your head count in advance of the picnic; mark your calendars now and send us a note. Deadline 8/15.

*Please indicate if you want a vegan, vegetarian or gluten-free pizza option.

The OKNA Annual Picnic is Tuesday, August 21 from 6:00 pm- 9:00 pm. This is the event that everyone attends… see you there!


2) Volunteering With OKNA

Have you been thinking about a more active role in the neighborhood association? Elections to the board are coming up at our September meeting; this is a good time to find out more about what you can do. Please contact or arm-grab one of our board members to find out more.


3) BridgePedal Weekend


If you are not riding on Sunday, come help Overlook & have some fun!
For the 14th year straight, OKNA board chair Alan Cranna will host the rest stop area at the US Bank Plaza in St Johns and he is seeking eager accomplices.
Early risers (7:00 am – Noon) will hand out snacks and drinks to the thousands of riders passing through, and Alan is awarded $25 for each warm body that turns up to work. He turns around and donates that money right back into the neighborhood, for a variety of good causes.
Please contact Alan soon and save the date! 503-285-7944 or Sunday, August 12


The BridgePedal ride will mean several traffic changes, including I-5 and Interstate Avenue.

• N Interstate will be closed to northbound traffic between N Oregon to N Greeley. Expect delays at Greeley.

• N Willamette / N Greeley will be closed to southbound traffic from N Richmond to N Interstate

And several more, too much to list. Please check it out here and have a safe weekend.


4) Stop Sign Changes

It seems PBOT/Portland Bureau of Transportation heard the many voices crying out about the N Skidmore/N Concord intersection.

Stop signs have been turned to give Skidmore the continuous throughway. Traffic on Concord must now stop.

Change is hard; be careful when approaching til people get used to it all.


5) Celebrity Sighting? (tonight, Friday 9pm)

It’s rumored that the actor Bill Murray will be at the Alibi tonight (4024 N Interstate Ave). If you see him, don’t call him ‘Bill’ though..


6) No Coal Demonstration in St Johns (8/18)

No Coal Demonstration at the St Johns RR Cut (N Lombard between Ida & Gilbert)

Saturday, August 18 12:00 to 3:00
Stop the proposed massive shipments of coal from Montana to China via Portland. Assemble at the St Johns RR Cut by Peninsula Fred Meyer; pick up a black balloon and handouts then move east along Lombard toward the tunnel under Columbia Park. Wear Coal Black. 503.285.3131
At the least, please research this important topic; a new contract is being pushed to begin next year.


7) Gun Turn In (8/18)

Crime Prevention Coordinator Celeste Carey reminds us about the 2012 Gun Turn In. Exchange guns for gift certificates next Sat, Aug 18th 10am-2pm at Memorial Coliseum. Reach Celeste with your crime prevention issues: 503-823-4764


8) Seaport Celebration at the Port of Portland (8/18)

Also next Saturday, you are invited to Seaport Celebration on August 18th from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Port of Portland’s Terminal 4. You’ll enjoy live music and entertainment, interactive displays and demonstrations, face painting, a photo booth with costumes, free giveaways and prizes, carts selling international foods and much more!  Participants can try their hand at welding or grind their own wheat using a bike.  Where else can you get on the water for a $10 Portland Spirit cruise that will visit Oregon’s only international container facility?

Seaport Celebration
August 18, 2012
10 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Port of Portland Terminal 4, 11040 N Lombard, Portland


9) Sign up for Noise Alerts
In an effort to provide the community with advance notice of conditions expected to impact aircraft operations (flight tracks) or noise, the Noise Management Department publishes and distributes “Noise Alerts” which

can be viewed on the Port’s website or received directly via email. Examples of information provided includes scheduled nighttime military training, special events such as air shows, and weather conditions resulting in deviations from the noise abatement procedures.
To sign up for Port of Portland Noise Alerts, please visit the Port’s website at:, click on “Noise Management” on the menu bar on the left, click on “subscribe to email alerts”, and complete the form.
For more information you can contact the Noise Team directly by calling: (503) 460-4100 or via email:
