Overlook Neighborhood Update (Nov. 3)

1) OKNA Board meeting
2) OKNA to appeal development at Denver & Killingsworth
3) Daylight Saving Time ends tonight
4) Résumé help
5) Street repair survey
6) Vote

1) OKNA Board meeting

The Overlook Neighborhood Association Board will meet on Tuesday, Nov. 6 at 6:30 p.m. at the Historic Overlook House. The agenda includes a discussion about the upcoming Neighborhood Holiday Party (Dec. 7) and editing the quarterly newsletter. We also will have a presentation from Proud Ground, which plans to develop affordable housing at the northeast corner of the intersection of Alberta and Interstate. Proud Ground also will present at the OKNA general meeting on Nov. 20.

Please note that last week’s email indicated the wrong date for the general meeting. It will be on Tuesday, Nov. 20.

2) OKNA to appeal development at Denver & Killingsworth

The Overlook Neighborhood Association Board held a special meeting on Nov. 6 to discuss a proposed four-story, mixed-use building for 1935 N Killingworth Street. The board voted to appeal the city’s approval of the project based on its failure to meet the city’s community design guidelines. Particular concerns raised are that the design is out of character for the neighborhood and the massing of the building in relation to single-family homes to the north.

The hearing will go before the Portland Design Commission on Thursday, Nov. 15 at 1:30 p.m. at 1900 SW 4th Ave., Room 2500A+B (on the second floor). Anyone may address the commission regarding elements of the project that do not meet city code. Please identify specific code violations in any comments. A member of the board will attend the hearing to testify.

3) Daylight Saving Time ends tonight

Don’t forget to set your clock back an hour tonight. Changing times messes with people’s internal clocks, too. The Oregon Department of Transportation reminds drivers to take extra caution with drowsy driving until your body adjusts.

Disturbance of circadian rhythms and drowsy driving is a key risk factor for safety incidents, according to the National Safety Council. In the transportation industry, that means crashes. And no good comes out of any kind of crash.

Adults generally need seven to nine hours of sleep to achieve peak performance, but research indicates 3 in 10 get less than six hours, according to NSC. Everyone knows you don’t drive after drinking, and it should be the same when you are tired: take personal responsibility and don’t get behind the wheel in the first place.

4) Résumé help

Do you need some help with your résumé? Are you unsure about your choice of words? Struggling to describe your accomplishments?

Multnomah County Library is hosting a series of résumé help sessions over the next few weeks. View the scheduled sessions and reserve your time. They will visit the North Portland branch on Killingsworth on Nov. 17.

5) Street repair survey

The City Auditor’s Office is auditing the Fixing our Streets Program to determine if accountability and program commitments are being met.

The Portland Bureau of Transportation’s Fixing our Streets Program is funded through the 2016 voter-approved local gas tax and the city council-approved heavy vehicle tax.

The auditor’s office would like to get your feedback on the program through a short survey. They anticipate that the survey should take less than 5 minutes to complete. Your responses will be anonymous.

6) Vote

Election Day is nearly here. It’s too late to mail your ballots, but you can drop yours off at an official drop box until 8 p.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 6.  There’s one at the North Portland Library (512 N Killingsworth St.)

The more people who participate in the electoral process, the better our government will match the priorities of the community. A number of ballot measures and local races this year could have profound impacts on Portland and Oregon going forward.

Make sure your voice is heard by turning in your ballot.