Overlook Neighborhood Update (Sept. 16)

1) OKNA annual meeting
2) Candidates for OKNA Board
3) Public Campaign Finance Commission

1) OKNA annual meeting

The September Overlook Neighborhood Association’s September general meeting on Tuesday 6:30-8:20 p.m. is our annual meeting. At it, we will elect the board for 2018-19 (see below). Also on the agenda are presentations for and against a local gross receipts tax that appears on the November ballot and from the Oregon Department of Transportation about plans to close some lanes of the Interstate Bridge.

The meeting will be at Kaiser Town Hall (3704 N Interstate Ave.).

2) Candidates for OKNA Board

Seventeen Overlook residents are running for 15 seats on the Overlook Neighborhood Association Board. The election will take place at the annual meeting on Tuesday. Eligible people also may declare their candidacy at the meeting as a write-in candidate.

Each candidate will have a minute to introduce themselves followed by balloting. All adult residents of the Overlook Neighborhood as well as a business licensees, property owners and designated representatives of non-profit organizations may vote after signing in at the meeting.

The declared candidates (* indicates a current board member) are:

  • Addie Humbert *
  • Alan Cranna *
  • Alexandra Degher *
  • Brad Halverson
  • Chelsea Snow
  • Chris Trejbal *
  • Cynthia Sulaski *
  • Daniel Drake
  • Dannielle Herman *
  • George Spaulding *
  • Kent Hoddick *
  • Kristina Kern *
  • Lauren Alfrey
  • Mike Murphy *
  • Mike Shea *
  • Shannon Sansoterra
  • Stefan Bester

3) Public Campaign Finance Commission

The City of Portland seeks members for its new Public Campaign Finance Commission. The commission will help implement the city’s new open and accountable elections program that allows candidates for city office to limit the size of donations they accept in exchange for matching funds from the city.

Learn more about the program and the commission, including how to apply, online. The first round of review will be Oct. 1, but applications may be submitted later.