1) Adidas expansion, traffic and more at the March neighborhood meeting
2) Greeley multi-use path
3) Willamette Boulevard Mobility Project
4) Overlook Eggstravaganza Easter egg hunt (March 31)
5) Take a safe ride home on St. Patrick’s Day
1) Adidas expansion, traffic and more at the March neighborhood meeting
Meet your neighbors at the monthly Overlook Neighborhood Association general meeting on Tuesday, March 20, 6:30-8:30 p.m. We’ll meet upstairs at Kaiser Town Hall (3704 N Interstate Ave.).
This month, adidas will unveil its expansion plans that include two new buildings on its campus in the north part of the neighborhood. A Portland Bureau of Transportation (PBOT) Representative will talk about the Greeley Avenue multi-use path plans (see below), and the Willamette Boulevard Mobility Project will talk about transportation safety (see further below).
2) Greeley multi-use path
Portland Bureau of Transportation (PBOT) has proposed build the N Greeley Multi-Use Path, a two-way, one-mile path on the east side of N Greeley Avenue from N Going Street to N Interstate Avenue. The two-way bicycle and pedestrian facility will be protected from vehicle traffic with continuous concrete barriers.
The PBOT capital project manager overseeing the project will join us at Tuesday’s OKNA general meeting to present it and answer questions.
N Greeley Avenue is a busy, high-speed road with heavy freight vehicle traffic. This project will protect cyclists and pedestrians behind a continuous concrete barrier connecting North Portland neighborhoods and businesses with the Rose Quarter. In addition, the project will widen the outside lanes to better accommodate truck traffic and increase the buffer between opposing traffic lanes.
Learn more about the project in advance of the meeting online.
3) Willamette Boulevard Mobility Project
Five Master of Urban and Regional Planning students at Portland State University are completing a capstone planning project for the Willamette Corridor Mobility Committee. The project objective is to develop a community-driven active transportation plan that improves safety and accessibility along the N Willamette Boulevard corridor that can be presented to the Portland Bureau of Transportation (PBOT) for implementation. The team will maintain contact with PBOT in order to ensure that the plan and outreach process are compatible with PBOT standards.
The outreach process aims to gather input from stakeholders, community representatives and residents who use the corridor, with some engagement activities targeted towards groups who are less often involved in the planning process (youth, people of color, low income, etc.). They will attend the OKNA general meeting on Tuesday as part of that engagement.
The team hopes to involve each of the peninsula’s neighborhood associations in the development of the plan, and would like to start by informing residents about the problem and process. This document provides an overview of the project so that residents can come to the meeting with a basic understanding of the issue and objective. This meeting will be a great opportunity for residents to meet the team, hear about where they are in the process, learn how to stay involved and informed, ask questions, and (time permitting) give some preliminary input. The team hopes to focus more on gathering input through engagement (brainstorming, mapping, etc.) activities at the April meeting. Residents will also have the opportunity to complete a survey that will be discussed at the upcoming meeting.
4) Overlook Eggstravaganza Easter egg hunt (March 31)
The Easter Bunny is running a little late this year, but he will be right on time as he hops by Overlook House soon in a couple of weeks. Bring your basket to find hundreds of eggs containing treats, treasures and tiny toys on the lawns of Overlook House (3839 N Melrose Dr.). If you discover one of 12 shining Golden Eggs, turn it in to win a special prize.
The hunt will take place on Saturday, March 31, promptly at 10:30 a.m, rain or shine, so wear your raincoat and rain boots if it’s wet. Don’t be late. This popular annual hunt is over in three winks of a bunny’s eye.
The Eggstravaganza is sponsored annually by the Friends of Overlook House especially for Overlook neighborhood children.
5) Take a safe ride home on St. Patrick’s Day
The Portland Bureau of Transportation (PBOT) will offer discounted taxi, Lyft and Uber rides on Saturday as part of it’s Safe Ride Home program for Portlanders celebrating St. Patrick’s Day. The Safe Ride Home initiative makes it easy to celebrate responsibly by providing Portlanders with discounted travel options.
The Safe Ride Home program is offering people the following discounted and inexpensive travel options on Saturday for St. Patrick’s Day:
- Up to $20 savings on taxi rides with Radio Cab, Broadway Cab, Union Cab, New Rose City Cab, New Green Cab, PDX Yellow Cab and United Independent Cab. Coupons will be available for pickup on St. Patrick’s Day from participating businesses and Portland Police Bureau officers in the Central City.
- A $5 savings on rides with Lyft and Uber. Riders can access the discount by entering a promo code into their apps. For Lyft, use promo code SAFERIDEHOME. For Uber, use promo code SAFERIDEPDX. Promo codes will be available beginning at 2 p.m. on Saturday, March 17 through 4 a.m. on Sunday, March 18.
- Take TriMet (only $2.50 for an adult pass for the bus or MAX) or Portland Streetcar ($2.00 for an adult pass).