Election results

Thank you to everyone who attended Tuesday night’s Overlook Neighborhood Association annual meeting. More than 100 people came out, and we hope to see all of you at future meetings.

Thanks also to adidas for hosting us at their North American headquarters. Tom Hughes, our neighborhood contact at adidas, went above and beyond for Overlook, providing snacks, beverages and employee store passes for everyone who attended. He also updated the neighborhood on steps adidas is taking to ease parking on neighborhood streets including more bike parking on the campus, subsidized Trimet use and funded Uber rides for nearby employees.

If you attended the meeting and enjoyed using the adidas space and their hospitality, please take a moment to send them a thank you to overlook@adidas.com. The more Tom hears that the meeting was appreciated, the more he can share that with the higher ups and perhaps secure space for us in the future.

At the meeting, we held elections for the OKNA board. Twenty people stepped up to run for 15 seats . Thank you to all of the candidates for volunteering to serve the neighborhood. Voters chose to add six new board members and return all nine incumbents who sought re-election.

The 2017-18 board will be:

  • Chris Trejbal
  • Cynthia Sulaski
  • George Spaulding
  • Noelle Smith
  • Mike Shea
  • Mike Murphy
  • Leslee Lewis
  • Krisitina Kern
  • Addie Humbert
  • Kent Hoddick
  • Dannielle Herman
  • Alexandra Degher
  • Alan Cranna
  • Melissa Castor
  • Mitch Bixby

The board will hold its first meeting on Oct. 3. At that time, board members will choose a chair, vice chair, secretary and treasurer. The new chair will then appoint committee chairs with consent of the board.