Little League & Tree Planting; We’ll See You Tomorrow!


Hi Overlookers, just a couple of quick notes. Be sure to join us for the Friends of Trees planting event tomorrow; drop in at Kaiser Town Hall & there will be something to do & lots of people to see. Did you hear about the food, too?!

Come out tomorrow Saturday for the Overlook’s big tree planting event. We are going to try planting over a hundred trees around the neighborhood. It looks like its supposed to be cloudy but warm, in case you were waiting on a weather report. If you want get outside tomorrow to plant trees, come to Kaiser Town Hall (3704 N Interstate Ave) at about 8:30, have some breakfast, and then we will go out in teams to plant trees. If you don’t want to plant trees, consider bringing a lunch item over for us, and then join us for lunch. We are looking pretty good on the amount of lunch food, but a little more wouldn’t hurt. Fire up some soup in a crockpot, or make a casserole or whatever you want, and bring it over to Kaiser at 11:30 or 12. We hope to see you there!


The Interstate/Kenton Little League sign-ups start this Saturday 9am – noon at Peace Lutheran Church on N Rosa Park.They are also in need of coaches, if you’re interested please contact them at

Interstate Kenton Little League – Portland, Oregon. North Portland Little League