Overlook/Arbor Lodge Tree Planting Event Details

Tree Planting Coordinator Garrett Phillips has sent out this important information about the upcoming event. Remember, you can drop in to help; it’s a lot of fun and gives you a chance to meet a lot of neighbors all at once. Come on over to Kaiser Town Hall and join in!

Dear Overlook Neighbors –

After many weeks and months of planning and waiting, the Friends of Trees planting is finally almost here! This (very long, sorry) message contains all the important info and last-minute details you need to know to ensure that we have another successful tree planting. Please don't hesitate to give me (Garrett 503 422 5070) a call if anything is still unclear after you read this. 
The planting date is Saturday, January 28th. See below for important information that you need to make sure that your tree is planted on time in the correct location.  There is also a detailed planting day schedule  for those of you who are coming out for the event. If you haven't decided to come out next Saturday, consider changing your mind and joining us.  There are different roles for people of all ages, abilities, and climate preferences, starting at 7am and ending at 2pm. You can be on your way when you need to be, or you can stay for lunch and head out by 1 or so.   

The planting staging area, where you'll start and end your day, is Kaiser Town Hall, 3704 N Interstate.

Once again, Arbor Lodge is partnering with Overlook neighborhood for our planting. This year we'll plant about 220 trees in the two neighborhoods!  This is about 50 trees more than last year! Thank you for making a huge contribution to our neighborhood’s beauty, livability, and environmental sustainability.

Saturday 1/28 – Planting Day!!!

Let the fun begin! Please arrive by 8:30 a.m. to register and enjoy refreshments at Kaiser Town Hall, 3704 N Interstate. This is a great time for meeting new neighbors and spending time with family and friends.

Planting is rain or shine — only dangerous road conditions will stop us. Trust me, we'll have fun even if it rains! Come prepared for the elements and wear work shoes/boots and work gloves. Friends of Trees provides all the necessary tools, but an extra shovel is sometimes handy.

Please keep in mind that the planting crew will need a source of water for watering your tree as soon as it is in the ground (they will have a bucket).

Please bring a reusable coffee mug so we can reduce our waste.

Plan on re-joining your neighbors at the church after planting to relax, swap tree stories, and enjoy a great hearty lunch.

Planting Day Schedule

7:00 a.m.: staging area volunteers arrive and sign in (unloading and organizing trees)
8:00 a.m.: pick up drivers and crew leaders arrive and sign in
8:30 – 8:45 a.m.: homeowners and planting team volunteers arrive, sign in, eat pastries, drink coffee
9:00 a.m.: planting begins!
12:30ish: crews finish planting, return to staging area for lunch, relax
12:00 p.m: clean up volunteers arrive

Volunteer Roles

Friends of Trees plantings are all about building community through tree planting. You were asked to sign up for a volunteer role when you placed your order. See below for more information about when to arrive, what to do, and who your main contact is. If you are unable to volunteer in any capacity on planting day, consider finding another way to contribute to either Friends of Trees or the Richmond neighborhood (contact me for ideas). You are definitely always welcome to join a planting team on planting day even if you didn’t sign up for this role.

  • Planting team – Arrive between 8:15 and 8:45; sign in to get assigned to a planting crew (you'll plant your own trees). Bring your family and friends!
  • Staging area set up – Arrive at 7:00 to help unload trees and set up tables and chairs. Trees can be heavy, so unloading them requires a strong back. I’ll contact you to confirm.
  • Registration helpers – Arrive by 8:00 to learn how to help homeowners sign in.
  • Truck drivers – Arrive by 8:00 to sign in and get assigned to a crew. A Friends of Trees staff member will tell you where to park and your truck will get loaded up with trees and tools. You’ll head out to plant with your crew at 9:00.
  • Refreshments (breakfast and/or lunch) – Garrett will contact you to confirm what you are bringing. Or call Garrett (503 422 5070) if you want to bring something but haven't said so yet.
  • Staging area clean up – Arrive after noon to help clean up after lunch, wash dishes, stack tables and chairs, sweep floors, clean and load tools, etc.
  • Summer inspector – If you signed up for this volunteer role, a Friends of Trees staff member will contact you about the inspector training, which usually happens in April or May.
  • If you can't participate on planting day, consider one of these options:

Be on a planting team for another Friends of Trees planting, see http://www.friendsoftrees.org/calendar/portland-vancouver for full planting calendar

Sign up to be a summer tree inspector (aka Tree Team) volunteer; see http://www.friendsoftrees.org/volunteer/be-a-leader

Become a member of Friends of Trees; see http://www.friendsoftrees.org/support-us/membership

Thanks again for being an important part of our neighborhood's future. If you have any questions, please give me a call anytime.


-Garrett Phillips
