Overlook Neighborhood Update (Nov. 13)

1) The future of parking on neighborhood streets (Wednesday, Nov. 18)
2) Want to open a marijuana shop? Learn the rules first (Nov. 18-19)
3) Overlook Neighborhood Association General Meeting (Tuesday, Nov. 17)


1) The future of parking on neighborhood streets (Wednesday, Nov. 18)

Back in June, over 160 people attended The Future of Parking: Portland Parking Symposium, where leading experts shared their innovative parking approaches, tools, and strategies relevant to our Portland communities. Infused with this knowledge, two public advisory committees have carefully studied and explored ways to improve the state of parking in our Central City and in our Centers and Corridors.

Come see the committees’ preliminary recommendations, including new programs for better management of public parking and updated Central City zoning recommendations for new and existing private parking. Provide your own feedback to shape the future of parking in Portland.


2) Want to open a marijuana shop? Learn the rules first (Nov. 18-19)

MarijuanaThe City of Portland’s Marijuana Policy Program, through the Office of Neighborhood Involvement, will be hosting two Marijuana Business License Workshops on how to navigate the Marijuana Regulatory License application process on Wed. Nov. 18 (12 to 2p.m.), and Thu. Nov. 19 (3 to 5 p.m.) at the Portland Building Auditorium.

Participants will learn about distancing requirements, what permits are needed, coordinating between different agencies and jurisdictions, completing the application from start to finish, and more.

The Oregon Health Authority (OHA) and the Oregon Liquor Control Commission (OLCC) will also be on hand to answer questions.

Registration is REQUIRED: please go to www.MarijuanaLicensing101.eventbrite.com to register.


3) Overlook Neighborhood Association General Meeting (Tuesday, Nov. 17)

Join your neighbors on Tuesday to hear a neighborhood safety report and an update about the homeless camp on N Greeley Ave. near Interstate Ave.

OKNA general meeting
Tuesday, Nov. 17, 6:30-8:30 p.m.
Kaiser Town Hall (3704 N Interstate Ave.)