Overlook Neighborhood update (April 17)

1) Overlook Neighborhood Association general meeting (April 21)
2A) Overlook Views wants to hear from residents …
2B) … and from Overlook businesses
3) Sustainable Overlook spring garden fair and edible plant sale (April 18)
4) Multnomah Youth Commission seeks applicants (April 27 deadline)
5) Register for Portland Parks & Recreation summer classes and day camps


1) Overlook Neighborhood Association general meeting (April 21)

OKNA logoJoin your neighbors to discuss goings on around Overlook at the April general meeting. Among the topics on the agenda are presentations from GreenSky Collective and a developer planning to build a 12-unit apartment complex at 4227 N Massachusetts Ave. We’ll also talk about sending a letter to the Portland City Council expressing OKNA opposition to the proposed propane terminal in North Portland.

Overlook Neighborhood Association meeting
Tuesday, March 17, 6:30 – 8:30 p.m.
Kaiser Town Hall (3704 N Interstate Ave., across from Overlook Park)


2A) Overlook Views wants to hear from residents …

Overlook Views, our neighborhoods quarterly print newsletter, is filling up for the summer edition. Time remains, however, to share your story with your neighbors. If you would like to submit an article of no more than 400 words, send it to views@overlookneighborhood.org. Deadline is Monday (April 20), so don’t delay.

2B) … and from Overlook businesses

Overlook Views also is gathering information about local businesses. If you own a business in the Overlook Neighborhood, send its name, address, phone number, hours and person to contact with questions to views@overlookneighborhood.org. Please also include a 30 to 40 word blurb about the business and any summer specials it might be hosting. Submit by Monday (April 20) for possible inclusion in the Summer edition.


3) Sustainable Overlook spring garden fair and edible plant sale (April 18)

Are you ready to plant you garden? Come shop from a great selection of plants and seeds or pick up your pre-order on Saturday, 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. Choose from fruit trees, berries, bee-friendly native flowers, herbs, perennial vegetables, veggie starts, tomatoes and more.

There will be plenty of experts available with advice for gardeners. Master Gardeners will be there to answer your yard and garden questions. Pick up a locally-made mason bee house, and learn how you can create pollinator habitat. Get a free ladybug yard sign when you take Metro’s Healthy Lawn and Garden Pledge. And Learn about the Greeley Food Forest project.

For kids there will be face painting and free seeds.

Meet your neighbors and celebrate spring at the garden fair sponsored by Sustainable Overlook, North Portland Food Not Lawns, Pesticide-Free Arbor Lodge Park and Resilience Design.

Spring garden fair and edible plant sale
Saturday, April 18, 10 a.m. – 4 p.m.
New American (2103 N Killingsworth Ave.)


4) Multnomah Youth Commission seeks applicants (April 27 deadline)

2014_2015 MYC Group Picture_0Multnomah County’s Office of Diversity and Equity and City of Portland’s Office of Neighborhood Involvement are recruiting for the 2015-16 Multnomah Youth Commission.  Any young person who will be between the ages of 13 and 21 (on August 1) and who is interested in policy, activism, community organizing or making the community better should apply online by April 27.

Youth Commissioners serve a one-year term and commit up to 15 hours per month to help support the city and county on issues that impact the lives of their peers.  Youth Commissioners are also in charge of implementing “Our Bill of Rights: Children & Youth,” the nation’s first Bill of Rights written by and for young people.


5) Register for Portland Parks & Recreation summer classes and day camps

School’s almost out, and Portland Parks & Recreation offers many summer programs and activities including themed activities, such as swimming, games, sports, hiking, arts, crafts, nature play, science and more. PP&R also offers swimming lessons.

Create friendships, stimulate your imagination, build self-confidence, and develop skills that last a lifetime. An adventure awaits – make this the best summer ever.

Registration for summer classes opens Monday. Camp registration is already open. Learn more and sign up online.