OKNA Overlook Neighborhood Email 10/25/13

1) Overlook House Halloween Party for Little Kids (Thursday 10/31)
3) Liquor License Application (comment by 11/17)
4) City Seeks Input Unpaved Streets
5) The City and State and Federal Governments
6) Save the Date! Czech/Polish/Hungarian Festival! (11/9)


1) Overlook House Halloween Party for Little Kids (Thursday 10/31)

Halloween is just around that scary corner! The pumpkins I know say you better plan to come to the Overlook children’s Halloween Party! It’s on Thursday, October 31, from 4-6 pm, so there’s plenty of time for dinner and trick-or-treating later. This fun Halloween event is put on for young children (ages 1-5 years) by the Friends of Overlook House. We’ll have crafts, games, prizes, dancing and healthy snacks. Wear your costume and come ready to have a spooky good time!

Children’s Halloween Party
Date: Halloween! Thursday, October 31st
Time: 4-6 p.m.
Location: Overlook House, 3839 N Melrose Ave.
Questions? Last-minute helpers? Email: OverlookHouseEvents@gmail.com See you there!



Join the Overlook Village Business Association (OVBA) for the second annual Halloween Crawl for kids and adults on North Killingsworth Street in Portland. Fun for the entire family!

Thursday, October 31
Kid & Family Crawl (TRICK or TREAT) 5p – 7p
Adult Only Crawl 7p – 10p

Neighborhood businesses are offering special deals and a prize drawing for those in costume.  Costumed crawlers need to pick up a “passport” from the first participating business they visit and get it stamped by each business they visit.  Before they go home, they turn in their passport at whatever business they visit last to enter a drawing for prizes that include free or discounted services or products.

Special deals on tap at the different businesses include 10% off food and drink, happy hour prices, 10% off pet treats, coupons for 15% and 25% off services like massages, gift certificates for free pizza, and buy one, get one for discount at a knit shop. There’s even a free Halloween drink available – but you have to be in costume to get any of these special offers.

Participants and the special deals offered Halloween night are detailed at http://overlookvillagepdx.wordpress.com/events/


3) Liquor License Application (comment by 11/17)

The following Liquor License application was received for consideration by the City of Portland the week of October 14th to October 18th, 2013

Please follow this link to see the applications in their entirety: http://www.portlandonline.com/oni/index.cfm?c=61884&

If you wish to comment please contact OKNA for the comment form and submit it to the City of Portland Liquor License Notification Program.
Attn: Theresa Marchetti
By mail to: 1221 SW 4th Ave Ste 110, Portland OR 97204
By fax to: 503-823-3050
By email to: theresa.marchetti@portlandoregon.gov

TBD (business name not determined)
Type of License: Change Owner –Limited On/Off Premises


4) City Seeks Input Unpaved Streets

OVERLOOK: Is there an unpaved street in the neighborhood that needs help? Contact OKNA for more information about this project.

Portland has about 60 miles of unpaved, dirt and gravel streets within the city limits. While the City does not maintain these unimproved streets, some residents have taken the initiative to create garden plots, rest areas and other community uses in these public spaces.

Mayor Charlie Hales has directed the Portland Bureau of Transportation to gather community input on how the City can enable such community uses on streets.

The concept came from Mayor Hales, who thought the City should try to empower communities to help determine what their neighborhoods look like by creating something useful and attractive. Many homeowners on unimproved streets have said that expensive paving projects are not what they prefer, but lower cost alternatives such as placing benches or gardens in the public right of way would still require a City permit.


5) The City and State and Federal Governments

Share your ideas for the city’s legislative agenda.

Legislative Advocacy 101 panel, Get Ready for the 2014 State Legislative Session – Tues. Dec. 10

The City of Portland has started the process for developing state and federal legislative agendas for next year and we want to hear from you! What are the issues facing your neighborhood and communities that you want your City to advocate for? Your input in previous years has helped to shape the city’s work in Salem and Washington D.C. Our state legislative agenda will reflect the limited scope of the short 2014 state session beginning in February.

How to provide input: This year, we are expanding the number of ways you can submit your ideas and participate in the process. You can provide your input by e-mail, telephone, or regular mail (details below) during a comment period from Monday, October 21 through Friday, November 8.

legideas@portlandoregon.gov OR 503-823-4275

Submit your comments by Friday, November 8


6) Save the Date! Czech/Polish/Hungarian Festival! (11/9)

Please join us on Saturday, 11/09 from 1-7pm, for the Visegrad Group PDX Festival.

The Visegrad Group will be celebrating the 95th anniversary of the independence of Czech, Poland and Hungary. Their traditions, history, arts and craft and national food will be celebrated and shared with their Portland neighbors.

The festivities will include:

– history lessons
– Lively music by bands and DJs
– Agnieszka Laska Dancers
– No-host food and drink

Admission is free!

Visegrad Group PDX Festival
From 1pm-7pm
Polish Hall
3832 N Interstate Ave.

For more information, please visit: http://czechschoolportland.org/visegradpdx