OKNA Overlook Neighborhood Email 10/18/13

Safety Note: Several neighbors have reported unsatisfactory outcomes from door to door solicitors; specifically this week, teens soliciting for an online group that can not be found online. They are only going out after dark, so please be sensible and remember that you do not have to answer your door to anyone if you don’t wish. And if you have a visit that makes you feel hinky, call the police non-emergency number 503.823.3333 for unwanted persons. They will send a patrol car around if available.

Have a safe, great weekend!

1) Overlook House Open House Unveiling (10/18)
2) PSAC: North Portland Public Safety Action Committee Meeting (10/23)
3) Bad Smells Survey (Now!)
4) Overlook House Halloween Party for Little Kids (10/31)
5) Essay Contest for Kids!


1) Overlook House Open House Unveiling (10/18)

The Open House and Unveiling Party begins at 5 pm TONIGHT, Friday, Oct 18th at Overlook House, featuring for-purchase wine and beer, plus appetizers, desserts, a big raffle, music, chit-chat and more!
And say hello to our new Events Coordinator, Michelle Hylland!

Come by the Historic Overlook House, your neighborhood community center, at 3839 N Melrose; see you tonight!


2) PSAC: North Portland Public Safety Action Committee Meeting (10/23)
Your North Portland Crime Prevention Coordinators invite you to attend PSAC. This month’s featured participants are from the Bureau of Emergency Communications
Date: Wednesday, October 23, 2013
Time: 7:00 – 9:00 PM
Location: Historic Kenton Firehouse (2209 N Schofield – across from the post office)

3) Bad Smells Survey (Now!)

Less than 75 people from ALL of North Portland have completed this survey.. more than that complained about the recent smells! Take a few minutes to share your experience and help us all.

Are you concerned about air emissions from Swan Island businesses?


Please take the survey titled “Neighbors for Clean Air – North Portland Air Quality Group Survey”. Your feedback is important!


4) Overlook House Halloween Party for Little Kids (10/31)

Halloween is just around that scary corner! The pumpkins I know say you better plan to come to the Overlook children’s Halloween Party! It’s on Thursday, October 31, from 4-6 pm, so there’s plenty of time for dinner and trick-or-treating later. This fun Halloween event is put on for young children (ages 1-5 years) by the Friends of Overlook House. We’ll have crafts, games, prizes, dancing and healthy snacks. Wear your costume and come ready to have a spooky good time!

Children’s Halloween Party
Date: Halloween! Thursday, October 31st
Time: 4-6 p.m.
Location: Overlook House, 3839 N Melrose Ave.
Questions? Last-minute helpers? Email: OverlookHouseEvents@gmail.com See you there!


5) Essay Contest for Kids!

Darrell Grenz Insurance Agency, Copy Pilot, and KeyBank are sponsoring an Essay Contest for kids in grades 4-8. The essay topic is What Does Community Mean to You?
Entries are due by 11/15; if you have not received a flyer about the contest and want more details, email us at info @ OverlookNeighborhood.org and we’ll send them over.