Overlook Meetings This Week & More!

Sorry we missed Friday's email; hopefully you will still join us for this week's meetings and here are some other notices as well.

1) ONest Meetings and Activities (6/20)

2) OKNA General Meeting (6/21)

3) Tree Inventory in Overlook (6/26)

4) Politicians at the Parkways


1)ONest Meetings and Activities (6/20)


Give ONest your used Portland Schools YES signs!

Please help ONest (Overlook Neighborhood Sustainability Team) in our preparations for the Overlook Yard Sale/Free Share on July 16 & 17. We'll re-purpose the (nice, bright yellow) Portland Schools signs for the yard sale. You can drop them by 3908 N. Concord (on the corner of Failing), or email ONest@overlookneighborhood.org and we'll pick them up. And thank you to the two neighbors who have donated theirs!


Get off the couch! (and on your bike?!) and join O•Nest (Overlook Neighborhood Sustainability Team)

for our third Film & Food evening,

Mon. June 20, 6-8pm: The Future of Transportation: where we'll screen Who Killed the Electric Car? and Streetfilms' Portland's Bike Boulevards Become Neighborhood Greenways

Daybreak Cohousing, 2525 N. Killingsworth, Community House

We'll start at 6pm with a delicious potluck dinner with good neighborhood folks, screen the inspiring movie from 6:30-7:30, and finish the evening with our Seed & Plant Swap. 

Don't Miss It!


Get ready for the Overlook Neighborhood Yard Sale and Free Share! July 16 & 17

Too much stuff clogging up your attic?  Send it on to a new owner! We'll start with a neighbo

rhood-wide Yard Sale on Saturday, and follow with a Free Share on Sunday. Let's all clean out our closets!

Saturday, Sell It… Sunday, Share It!

Please let us know if you'll be joining us, so we can publicize how many households are participating, and create a map! Send an email with Overlook Yard Sale in the subject line and your address to: onest@overlookneighborhood.org


2) OKNA General Meeting (6/21)

Join us for the monthly meeting of the Overlook Neighborhood Association. On the agenda this month:

– Ross Swanson, PBOT, Going to the River Project
– Jim Winkler, Killingsworth Station Project Update
– Donata Tiley, Polish Library Building Association, John Paul II Square Proposal

-Public Safety, Chair Reports and more!

7 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Kaiser Town Hall
3704 N Interstate Ave
(at N Overlook Blvd)


3) Tree Inventory in Overlook (6/26)

The first Overlook tree inventory will be held on Saturday, June 26, at IFCC at 8 AM

RSVP Garrett Phillips at garrett.b.phillips@gmail.com or 503.422.5070.


4) Politicians at the Parkways

Please join Rep. Tina Kotek on Sunday, June 26th for North Portland Sunday Parkways.
From 11 a.m.-12 p.m., Rep. Kotek and Mayor Sam Adams will be in Kenton Park for coffee and conversation with constituents. At noon, join Rep. Kotek for a walk from Kenton Park to McCoy Park.  Bring your walking shoes, sunglasses and session-related questions!
