OKNA Overlook Neighborhood Email 4/19/13

We had a great presentation from Sylvan Highlands neighbor Claudia Martin at our OKNA meeting Tuesday. The neighbors voted to support Sylvan Highlands's request to City Council for a repeal of metered parking in Washington Park.
Please visit the Sylvan Highlands website for more background on this issue:

1) Tomatoes for Trash! (4/20)
2) Beach School Campus Clean Up (4/20, 4/27) 
3) Earth Day Clean Up on Swan Island (4/20)
4) Boston Tribute Walk (4/22)
5) North Portland PSAC Meeting (4/24)
6) Old Timers’ Basketball for North Portland alumni (4/24)
7) Peninsula Park Rose Garden Weeding Work Parties (Mondays)


1) Tomatoes for Trash! (4/20)

OKNA and Sustainable Overlook would like to invite you to Tomatoes for Trash: Overlook’s 2013 Earth Day Clean Up

When:  Saturday April 20 from 10:00AM-2:00PM
(come when and for as long as you like)

Where:  Overlook’s Pittman HydroPark, north of the Concord-Going Pedestrian Overpass

Every participant that shows up and contributes by collecting a bag of refuse found littered around the neighborhood will receive a free tomato start grown by one of our own green-thumbed neighbors.  In an effort to be as responsible as possible with the collected materials, we will be providing onsite recycling sorting and education with the goal of diverting all recyclable items to Far West Fibers, a nearby recycling depot that recycles everything from styrofoam to electronics to athletic shoes!

Mark your calendars and remember to bring along some gloves.  Bags will be provided.  If you also have any items that you would like to recycle that aren't accepted curbside, bring those along as well!  Come join the fun and meet others who are passionate about recycling, gardening, and a healthy neighborhood.

This event is being made possible by Metro of Oregon, North Portland Neighborhood Services and Far West Fibers (http://www.farwestfibers.com/materials).  If you have questions please e-mail Sustainable@OverlookNeighborhood.org


2) Beach School Campus Clean Up (4/20, 4/247)
Hi Overlook Neighbors! Its that time of the year again, MARK YOUR CALENDARS!!!
Every Saturday in April, come by from 10-noon to help make the Beach School campus shine!
We need your help to weed, rake, sweep, and build community. Please consider coming, the school is a vibrant part of this community. Coffee and doughnuts provided! Bring your own gardening tools, gloves, refuse bags, etc!!
Thank you and see you there! Please pass the word.


3) Earth Day Clean Up on Swan Island (4/20)

Solve will be doing a b

each clean up on Swan Island's McCarthy Park, Earth day, April 20th, 2013

In addition to the beach clean up we'll be installing fishing line recycling units, sorting the trash into recycling. The sorting will be in the parking lot and be fairly handi-accessible. Location is near busline, more information on the volunteer page below.

You can register to volunteer now:

Or you can contact Christina at thompson.portland@gmail.com for more information.


4) Boston Tribute Walk (4/22)

A message for the neighborhood:
On Monday 4/22 at 2:50 Adidas employees will be gathering for a 1 mile Boston Tribute Walk from the Village to show our support for the tragedy that took place this past Monday. We are not sure of the numbers yet as the walk is voluntary but wanted to give the neighborhood a “heads up” in case they see 100 or more employees walking through the neighborhood. The route will take us up Greeley, left on Willamette to Jessup, right on Jessup to Greeley then back to the Village.
Neighbors are free to join in along the route or meet at the Village for the start.


5) North Portland PSAC Meeting (4/24)

Come meet your North Portland neighbors and get hip to the public safety concerns in the area and what you can do about it. Or, bring your own problem and get solutions and attention from the city’s public safety workers.

North Portland Public Safety Action Committee (PSAC)
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
7:00 -9:00pm
Historic Kenton Firehouse
8105 N Brandon


6) Old Timers’ Basketball for North Portland alumni (4/24)

Portland Parks and Recreation is hosting an “Old-Timers” basketball event April 24 at Peninsula Park Community Center and searching for male and female alumni from Roosevelt, Grant, Jefferson high schools, as well as Holy Redeemer, willing to play a game of basketball.
The age groups will be 27 and older. Still got game? Contact Danielle Solomon at 503-823-6175 or danielle.solomon@portlandoregon.gov


7) Peninsula Park Rose Garden Weeding Work Parties (Mondays)

Please join Friends of Peninsula Park Rose Garden and a friendly crew of volunteer weeders every Monday, 8 a.m. to noon from April through September.
With your help we’ll manage weeds before they take hold. No extensive experience required, plus you can work in the level beds or on the slopes. A weeding tool and garden gloves are all
you need. Just one hour of your wonderful weeding will:
• Reduce or eliminate herbicide use
• Contribute to the overall beauty and health of the garden
• Grow your garden knowledge and friendships
For more information, contact penrosegarden@gmail.com
