Overlook Action Items: Now

One benefit of a Neighborhood Association? We are on every email list under the sun and can pass along important information to you. Here is a round up of time-sensitive information; please share with your neighbors!


State Program: One year of Mortgage Relief, applications due January 14!

Having trouble paying your mortgage? Know someone who is?

Thousands of Oregon homeowners will have their mortgages paid for up to one year or $20,000. The state of Oregon received federal dollars to help struggling homeowners in our community, but time is running short. You must apply by January 14.

If you are a homeowner facing financial difficulties, this program can help. Start by visiting www.oregonhomeownerhelp.org or calling 2-1-1 (1-800-SAFENET) to find out if you qualify. The deadline to apply is January 14. The process includes an application and an appointment, so start yours now. There are no costs or fees.

The Multnomah County application center is at the Doubletree Hotel (just off the Lloyd Center MAX stop). Feel free to stop by to learn more. Open Monday – Friday 9am – 9pm and Saturdays 9am – 5pm. Closed Christmas Eve/Day, New Year’s Eve/Day.

Have questions about foreclosure or debt?
Need free legal advice?

Free workshops led by experts are offered at the Doubletree Hotel (just off the Lloyd Center MAX stop) January 7 – January 15. Topics include foreclosure prevention, bankruptcy & debt collection, tips & training for job seekers, and many others. Visit www.economicfairnessoregon.org for an up-to-date schedule. All workshops are free and open to the public.


Liquor License Application

BLACK CAT CAFÉ (formerly KRAKOW KOFFEEHOUSE & MARKET) located at 3990 N Interstate has applied under a change of ownership for Greater Privilege to a Full On-Premises sales license (which allows the sale of liquor, malt beverages, wine and cider for consumption on the premises).  The contact for this application is Myles O’Malley – 503-750-5493.

Following is the information captured on the business information form:

Seating capacity – 44; Outside seating (6) until 9:00pm
Entertainment -  Live music (3:00pm – 12:00am), Recorded music, coin-operated games
Menu – Full menu
Hours – 7 days a week – 7:00am – 12:00am

If you are aware of any existing problems or concerns at this location, please contact Theresa Marchetti at 503-823-3092 by JANUARY 23, 2011.  If you have concerns regarding this license, please list the concerns in writing and remember they must be related to crime, alcohol, alcohol related behavior or drugs.  Traffic, Parking and Trash are not considered during the licensing process at OLCC. 


PSAC/Public Safety Action Committee for North Portland – Special Guest Chief Reese, Portland Police Bureau

The January PSAC meeting will be 7pm Wednesday, January 26 at a special location, Life Fellowship Church, 3935 North Lombard Street. All residents and business owners are encouraged to take advantage of this time to meet one on one with Chief Reese.  This should be a much more positive and constructive PSAC than a year ago, with some genuine conversations and community input.

Questions to Mark Wells, Crime Prevention Coordinator for Overlook, Arbor Lodge, Kenton, Piedmont, Bridgeton, Hayden Island, Sumner, Sunderland, and Cully neighborhoods. 503-823-4098


Homeless Count: You Can Help

The Portland/ Multnomah County Homeless Street Count and One Night Shelter Count are scheduled for January 26, 2011.
What is the Homeless Street Count? The Homeless Street Count is an effort to learn more about the individuals and families experiencing homelessness on a given night in Portland/ Multnomah County. It captures a snapshot of those who are “unsheltered,” i.e. literally sleeping outside – on the street, in a car or abandoned building on the night of January 26, 2011. In combination with the One Night Shelter Count, which is conducted on the same night, it provides important information about the level of homelessness in our community and the need for services.


What is the One Night Shelter Count? The One Night Shelter Count gathers information on people sleeping in (or turned away from) emergency shelters, motels, and transitional housing. It includes those who are receiving rent assistance or living in permanent supportive housing who would otherwise be homeless without that subsidy.

Why does Portland/ Multnomah County conduct a homeless count? Communities that receive federal funding for homeless services are required to conduct a comprehensive point-in time homeless count every two years in order to continue receiving funding. The data collected from the count also helps the City, County and their nonprofit partners plan for the funding and services needed to meet the needs of homeless persons in our community.

How can you help?
·If you know about the location of a homeless camp in your neighborhood, visit www.portlandonline.com/phb/streetcount to report the camp. The information will be shared confidentially with outreach workers so that they can reach out to the camp during the week of the count.

·If you would like to volunteer for the count, contact Zane Potter at Zane.Potter@portlandoregon.gov.

·If you work for an organization that comes into contact with people who are homeless and unsheltered, contact Kris Smock at kris@kristinasmockconsulting.com to sign up your organization to participate in the count.
For more information about the Homeless Street Count, visit www.portlandonline.com/phb/streetcount.


Budget Input: It’s Time for Yours

The City of Portland is working on the fiscal year 2011-12 budget and we need your voice in determining which service priorities are most important to Portland residents.
The City encourages you to get involved in the budget process through the budget outreach partnership program. Phase one of the partnership program is to provide enough knowledge about City services and budgeting to empower residents of all backgrounds to participate in the budget process.  Phase two puts that knowledge into practice by several community groups coming together to organize a budget event where community priorities are discussed.

Phase One:  Budget 101 and 201 Trainings
As part of the partnership program, the City offers Budget 101 and 201 educational sessions from January through April 2011. The initial Budget 101 session is designed to provide an educational overview of the budget process and opportunities for involvement. The Budget 201 session looks more in-depth at a budget-related topic of your group’s choice.  City staff are available to attend your group meetings to answer questions and facilitate discussion.

If you are interested in hosting one of these trainings, please contact:
Abby Coppock, Office of Management and Finance
A link to the Budget 101 presentation is provided for your community group’s use.

Phase Two:  Host a Budget Event
Phase two of the partnership program is to provide feedback on the budget by hosting a facilitated discussion about budget priorities.  This is a chance for you to voice your opinion about budget decisions currently being proposed by City bureaus.  Stay tuned in February for small grant opportunities to host one of these discussions in your community.

Small Grant Opportunities will include:

    * A funds match of up to $300 toward the cost of space rental, materials, food, etc. for each event, with the expectation that your organizations contribute to the event through outreach, funding and in-kind labor.
    * City staff to help facilitate the events and address your budget topics.
    * Collaboration of at least three community groups needed to coordinate and develop one of these events.

To learn more about the City’s budget process and what community members can do to get involved, visit http://www.portlandonline.com/communitybudget.
For questions or more information contact:
Abby Coppock, 503-823-6965 or Kelly Ball, 503-823-6806

OKNA does not have a budget meeting planned but if you are interested in organizing one, please contact us for assistance with a location and other support. Thank you!
